FBI 4600 / 4612 / 4800

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FBI 4600 / 4612 / 4800

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This file includes instructions for the FBI STAR XL 4600 / 4612 / 4800 panels

LCD Keypad

LCD Keypad

LED Keypad #1

LED Keypad #1

LED Keypad #2

LED Keypad #2

For complete instructions, click the above links for the pdf manuals. Click Thumbnails for expanded keypad views.



Verify that the 'Ready' indicator light is on, or that the display reads 'SYSTEM READY' .

Enter a 4-digit User Code. The 'Armed' light will come on. LCD Keypads will display 'ON: AWAY'.


Verify that the 'Ready' indicator light is on, or that the display reads 'SYSTEM READY' .

Press the STAY button.

Enter a 4-digit User Code. The 'Armed' light will come on. LCD Keypads will display 'ON: STAY '.


Enter your 4-digit User Code to disarm anytime the system is armed.


With the system disarmed.

1.Press BYPASS button.

2.Enter a valid User Code.

3.Enter the 1-digit Zone Number (4600/4612), or 2-digit Zone Number (4800) of the zone(s) to be bypassed.

Helpful Tip

Repeating this procedure will Unbypass the zone in question.

Alarm Memory / Status

If alarms or other conditions such as system troubles have taken place since the initial system arming, they will appear on the display.

The conditions that have occurred appear in the zone display section of the keypad.

LED keypads will reflect current system status through the indicator lights as follows:


Fast Blinking


Slow Blinking Low Intensity


Slow Pulse


Solid On

Burglary alarms will be indicated with a Steady sound, while Fire alarms will generate a Pulsing sound.

LCD keypads will show the alarm conditions with a display as follows:


ZN 01


The display shows the zones in alarm. After entry of a 4-digit User Code, the display will appear as follows:


ZN 01


To clear the display of the alarm or trouble conditions and silence the audible signal, enter the 4-digit User Code again.

DOOR CHIME (4612 / 4800 panels)

4612 Panel

Press the # button then the 6 button to turn the chime On or Off

4800 panel

Press the # button then the 6 button

Press the 0 button to turn the chime feature On or Off, or the * button to exit.

Time & Date Programming (4612 / 4800 panels)

If the system clock needs to be reset, LED keypads will blink rapidly in succession every 30 seconds. LCD keypads will display a message.

4612 panel

1.Press the # button, then the 3 button.

2.Enter a valid User Code.

3.Enter 2 digits for the Hour and 2 digits for the Minutes (using 24 hour clock).

4800 panel

1.Press the # button, then the 3 button, then the 0 button.

2.Enter 2 digits for the Year, 2 digits for the Month, and 2 digits for the Day.

3.Enter 2 digits for the Hour and 2 digits for the Minutes (using 24 hour clock).


4600 Panel

Adding/Changing User Codes

1.Press the CODE button

2.Enter the Master User Code (User 1)

3.Enter a 1-digit User Number (1-6)

4.Enter the new 4-digit User Code

Note: If Ambush Code capability has been set up by your installer, then user # 6 will be used for the Ambush Code. If and Arming Only Code (Maid Code) has been defined by your installer, then user # 5 can only arm the system.

Deleting User Codes

1.Press the CODE button

2.Enter the Master User Code

3.Enter the 1-digit User Number to be erased (2-6)

4.Press the * key

4612 panel

Adding/Changing User Codes

1.Press the CODE button

2.Enter the Master User Code (User 1 or User 2)

3.Enter the 2-digit User Number (01-30)

4.Enter the new 4-digit User Code

Note: If Ambush Code capability has been set up by your installer, then user # 30 will be used for the Ambush Code. If and Arming Only Code (Maid Code) has been defined by your installer, then user # 29 can only arm the system.

Deleting User Codes

1.Press the CODE button

2.Enter the Master User Code

3.Enter the 2-digit User Number to be erased (03-30)

4.Press the # key

4800 Panel

Adding/Changing User Codes

1.Press the CODE button

2.Enter a Master User Code

3.Enter the 2-digit User Number (01-16)

4.Enter the 2-digit User Number again

5.Enter the new 4-digit User Code

6.Enter the new 4-digit User Code again

7.Enter the User Level (1 = Master User, 2 = Normal User)

8.Enter the User Level again

Deleting User Codes

1.Press the CODE button

2.Enter the Master User Code

3.Enter the 2-digit User Number to be erased (02-16. User 1 can not be deleted)

4.Press the # key