PowerMaster 10/30

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PowerMaster 10/30

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This file contains instructions for the Visonic PowerMaster 10/30 panels.

PowerMaster 10

PowerMaster 10

PowerMaster 30

PowerMaster 30


For complete instructions click the above link for pdf manual. Click thumbnails for expanded keypad views.

Keys Used in these instructions


PowerMaster AWAY

Away Key

PowerMaster NEXT

Next Key


Partition Key

PowerMaster HOME

Home Key

PowerMaster BACK

Back Key

PowerMaster DISARM_OFF

Disarm/Off Key


Away Arming

1.Ensure 'READY' is displayed on the system.

2.Press the Away key.

3.If prompted, enter a Code. The ARM indicator lights steady during armed period.

Home (Stay) Arming

1.Ensure 'READY' is displayed on the system.

2.Press the Home key.

3.If prompted, enter a Code. The ARM indicator lights steady during armed period.

Disarming/Stopping Alarms

1.Press the Off key.

2.Enter your Code.

Selecting a partition

Before performing any operation on a given partition, you must first select the partition.

To select a partition, press the Partition Key, then enter a partition number (1-3).


1.From a disarmed state, press the Next key until the display reads, 'USER SETTINGS'.

2.Press the OK key.

3.Enter the Master Code. The system will display, 'SET ZONE BYPASS'.

4.Press the OK key. The first zone name and status will be displayed.

5.To bypass this zone, press the OK key. The system will display, '<OK> TO BYPASS'.

6.Press the OK key. The system will display, 'Z01: BYPASSED'.

7.If you wish to bypass the next zone, press the Next key.

8.When done bypassing, press the Away key. The system will display, '<OK> TO EXIT'.

9.Press the OK key.

Helpful Tip

All bypasses will be removed when the system is disarmed.

Alarm Memory

When the memory contains at least one event, and the system is in a disarmed state, a flashing MEMORY message will be displayed.

To review memory content, click the OK key.

In response to additional clicking of the OK key, the display shows details of other events in memory (if any), or reverts to it's initial state.

The memory indication and content are cleared when the system is next armed.

Chime Mode

To turn the Chime on or off, press the 8 key.

Setting The Time

1.From a disarmed state, press the Next key until the display reads, 'USER SETTINGS'.

2.Press the OK key.

3.Enter the Master Code. The system will display, 'SET BYPASS'.

4.Press the Next button until the system displays, 'TIME & FORMAT'.

5.Press the OK key.

6.Press the Next key or Back key until 'US FORMAT 12H' is displayed.

7.Press the OK key.

8.Enter 4 digits for the time (HH:MM), then press * to select AM, or # to select PM.

9.Press the OK key.

Setting the Date

1.From a disarmed state, press the Next key until the display reads, 'USER SETTINGS'.

2.Press the OK key.

3.Enter the Master Code. The system will display, 'SET BYPASS'.

4.Press the Next key until the system displays, 'DATE & FORMAT'.

5.Press the OK key.

6.Press the Next key or Back key until 'DATE MM/DD/YYYY' is displayed

7.Press the OK key.

8.Enter the date in MM/DD/YYYY format.

9.Press the OK key.

Trouble Conditions

If a trouble condition is present, TRBL will flash in the display, the TROUBLE indicator illuminates, and the keypad will beep three times every minute.

To silence the trouble beeps disarm the system again (even though the system is already disarmed). This will stop the beeping for four hours.

You can review the specific troubles, one by one, by clicking the OK key. When all the troubles have been shown, the display will revert to the initial trouble display.

Programming User Codes

1.From a disarmed state, press the Next key until the display reads, 'USER SETTINGS'.

2.Press the OK key.

3.Enter the Master Code. The system will display, 'SET BYPASS'.

4.Press the Next key until the system displays, 'USER CODES'.

5.Press the OK key. The system will display 'User 01 Code'.

6.At the blinking cursor, key in the 2-digit User Code you wish to program (example, 06 for User 6)

7.Press the OK key.

8.Enter the new 4 digit Code.

9.Press the OK key.

10. A) Return to Step 6 to program additional codes or B) If Partitioning is enabled, proceed to Step 11.

11.The display will read, 'SET PARTITIONS'. Press the OK key.

12.Press the 1, 2, 3 keys change the status of partitions 1, 2, 3. A black square symbol will appear next to selected partitions.

13.Press the OK key to confirm.

14.When done programming, press the Away key. The system will display, '<OK> TO EXIT'.

15.Press the OK key.